Sap flow and stem diameter variation measurements
Sap flow and stem diameter variation measurements.
For plants with stem diameters between 8 and 19 mm.
For herbaceous (tomato, pepper, cucumber, ...) and woody (grapevine, kiwi, raspberry, rose, ...) stems.
Stand-alone data logger connected to the network via Cellular or Wi-Fi.
Sensors show plant responses to changes in the environment (irrigation, lighting, temperature changes,...) or plant manipulation (pruning, harvesting,...).
Sensors can stay at the same spot on the plant for an entire growing season.
Sap flow sensor
Dynamax Dynagage sap flow sensor.
Continuously measures sap flow through the stem (typically every 2.5 minutes).
Sap flow in g/h is calculated online and in real-time (no user intervention required).
Daily sap flow and other statistics are calculated in real-time.
Diameter variation sensor
Solartron displacement sensor.
Custom sensor holder for robust sensor installation.
Continuously measures the stem diameter with µm accuracy (typically every 2.5 minutes).
Real-time autocorrection algorithm to filter out disturbances in the signal due to e.g. pruning and harvesting.
Daily growth, maximum daily shrinkage and various other statistics are calculated in real-time.
Example measurements
125 € per month
1 sap flow sensor (free choice of 4 diameter ranges)
1 stem diameter variation sensor
PhytoSense data logger (+ antenna and power supply)
Unlimited data-storage and processing
Cellular and cloud subscription plan
PhytoSense setup and configuration (basic)
Device configuration
Basic dashboards with graphs
Data mapping
Configuration of transformations
Notifications (data quantity assurance)
Use of the PhytoSense webservice and desktop software
Software and installation support: website, manual, email
2Grow offers several services tailored to commercial customers or academic clients requiring more advanced support. Please contact 2Grow for a personalised quote via
Additional services offered by 2Grow
On-site installation
Weekly observation of measurements
Targeted data analysis
Frequent reports
Tailored growing advice and consultancy
Data quality assurance
Continuous support through on-site visits and live chat service
Two-way integration with climate computers and other platforms (e.g. 30MHz, LetsGrow, Klimlink)
Advanced and custom PhytoSense configuration (additional calculations, statistics, advanced dashboards)

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